
Brand Essens:

My Vision:

Be a highly respected company in Advanced Engineering and Concept Development.

My Mission:

Providing modern and innovative solutions to my customer, by combine progressive design and innovative solutions that suprise the clients mind.


My Story

I started my career at Saab Automobile 1997 at Technical department, by making improvements at existing products, this was a really good school to learn from existing design and see what improvements that needed to be done, to achieve a high quality solutions and the best solution for the customers.

After some years I change to the department of Vehicle Integration and Package & Concept integration. This position gave me a possibility to be a part of the first development and concept creation in a new car projects, and I had good knowledge from my previous employment to bring this into the new projects. My employment at this department gave me an opportunity to get in contact with the design /styling department, which always has been close to my heart. A new chance open up for me, when Saab Automobile decided to create Saab Advanced Concept Center and Innovation Center, this gave me the possibility to work close to design and the innovative process to create new ideas and concept, we got the opportunity to do design / engineering and prototyping of the concept we created, and be a part of Patent applications both as a group and by myself.

A really innovative time for an engineer like me! Thanks Saab for giving me a fantastic part in my life!

In 2005 I started a new employment at Cliff Models & Prototype, as a Studio Engineer Advanced Concept. This was the beginning of a fantastic time when I discovered that there are a world outside the car industry. I got the opportunity to work with show models in consumer products / medical equipment’s / trucks and also more cars!

I was a part of the crew that created State of the art -Show models during the time of my employment. See reference site, for some of the concepts I created.

In 2009 I got a fantastic offer to be a part of a Brand new Product, and company / Orzone AB. I got the responsibility to create the engineering mechanism /function  from a sketch model, with a blank page on how it should work, to a working product!

To create The ORCAMP, the world’s most realistic training environment for surgical teams designed to improve health care productivity, has been a fantastic challenge for me, to design and engineer ALL mechanical parts in the system, see all parts arrive from the manufacturer, make sure that all parts fits together, make the assembly, perform the test drive, present this new product approximately 8 months after day one on a big medical fair in Paris together with the hole company staff. To get the chance to meet the customer and be a part of the installation at the training centers all over the world.

To be a part of a system and product that make a contribution to the humanity all over the world, is something fantastic and I´m really proud of what we have accomplished together in Orzone / Orcamp!

A really fantastic time and a huge part of my life and story!

In 2012 I also started to work parallel for my old "colleagues" at Cliff Design AB as a Senior Studio Engineer advanced concepts. As I mentioned earlier I always has been a huge supporter of design, and this extra employment parallel to my ordinary employment at Orzone gave me the opportunity to be a part of the design process also. During this time I been the engineer and concept developer together with the designer in both medical equipment’s and Eye Tracking systems for example.

Magnus Carlsson Concept and Engineering.Innovations AB / CaE.Innovations

And now in 2015 A new chance and opportunity open up for me, my own Company, CaE.Innovations AB

There I will have the best situation, to work both with Senior Studio Engineering  and Advanced Concept creation.

And also new collaborations with new Companies / Designers and Engineers that think that I can be a resource for them !

I hope that My Story has given you some confidence in me, and that you will give me the opportunity to work for you now and in the future, in new innovative projects!!

Please contact: for a meeting or request.