Detectivio AB

Detectivio AB
Technology for many applications:
Detectivio has developed technology for contact-free detection and quantification of vital signs by scanning the face from a one-meter distance (four feet). The technology´s unique potential comes from implementing and adding automatic contactless measurements in situations in situations where it was previously impossible. Some of them are:
In Automotive, if it will be built into cars, assessing the driver´s health would improve driver´s and passenger´s safety by finding signs of deterioration and predicting health-related issue that could impair the driving performance.
Or if the technology will be applied in nursing homes, for examples, and we scanning guests for infection signs could enable families to visit their grandparents. The staff can before each shift, an assessment scan them self, to prevent early flu stages, before entering care homes and nursing homes.
Applied in the sports world, an automatic health-check before the start marathons would make it possible to prevent individuals at risk from starting-otherwise gambling hospitalizations or even cardiac arrest due to hidden health issues.
Another area to apply this technology can be in the travel area, there a scanning of the travelers boarding airplane, visitors to events and conferences, and colleagues entering their office would create a safer environment for everyone.
CaE.Innovations part in this project has been to create the first prototype- package into a volume that incorporate cameras/ LED:s /Display / CPU:s and power supply, So Detectivio can perform there test and measurements in a safe and professional way.
In this way we create a Pre-product of the system ReadMe1 set-up, for Detectivio to be able to perform further test and studies in a proper environment.
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